Thought provoking image - I know... I was forced to sit and gaze eagerly at the action movie that was the protest at Wits University last week. I had an appointment somewhere, I just can't seem to remember where or who I was to meet (it obviously wasn't important), but the scenes I witnessed as I passed the TV on the way out caught me like a hook in the mouth and reeled me back. I remember looking away for a second and then the next, there was smoke and rubber bullets being fired. My eyes caught sight of a girl in pink appearing paralysed on the ground and a fellow blue-collar who'd been hit on the head with a brick. I couldn't believe the carnage I'd been seeing at Wits. But much like the stone that drew blood from the officer's head, it hit me that we missed the point of our ancestor's struggle. They fought for social and political equality and though it wasn't an immediate change, progress has been made right? I mean, a lot of black parents tod...
A fictional world filled with stories, current South African affairs and media.